15. Februar 2022 Crewwechsel

Wir starten mit neuem Kapitän und neuem Bootsmann nach Kuba und Richtung Heimat. Der alte »Alte« – Arjen (auf dem Foto) – hat uns einen Abschiedsbrief geschrieben, den wir hier veröffentlichen möchten:
this shift on board for me is almost over. We enjoyed the sail to Bocas [Bocas del torro] and had a good time with crew only. Today after writing all my handovers to the office and the new Captain and answering you, I will close my laptop and fly tonight first to Panama City, where I will take a plane to a friend on Aruba. Monday-Tuesday I will join to my family, they are looking forward to my arrival home after being separated for 6 weeks.
It is a pity I did not sail longer with you guys but I’m sure the ship is in good condition and in good hands to leave behind now.
We re-sea-tighted benches and tables, repaired sails, painted topmasts, fixed all watertapps, toilet valves, lightbulbs, did new sika in the galley, boys and girls showers, fixed the water issue with the boys toilet and added fresh paint inside the student mess. All food stores are full with provisions, she is ready to go with the crew and new Captain Jeroen. The new Bosun is called Bartosz and he will stay at least till Cuba, where Natalia is also coming back.
Enjoy the trip to Cuba, Bermuda but specially the Azores are my favorite port.
I will follow the ship from home!
Fair winds
Captain Arjen