16. Dezember 2023 Day off in paradise

Datum: 16.12.2023
Position: 11° 59.502'N, 61° 45.920'W
Kurs: 78°
Bisher zurückgelegte Seemeilen: 6.464,26 nm
Wetter: sunny, hot · 28°C · Wind: E 2
Gesetzte Segel: none
Geschwindigkeit: 0,0 kn
Stimmung an Bord: really good, looking forward to go diving and spending time on Grenada


Day off in paradise

A few days ago, we went to a palm tree island, called Sandy Beach. Group A had a day off. The plan was to sleep there but it was raining during the night, too late already and too much swell to do that. The HSHS team decided that we would spend the next day there anyway. At 10 we packed all our stuff in watertight bags because we swam the last part. Nevertheless, there we were on a beautiful coral beach. First, we set up our camp. I forgot my hammock, so the ground it was. Then it was time for us to do whatever we wanted. Some people and me went to pick coconuts from a palm tree. We ended up getting a bit carried away, so we had about twenty coconuts and they were amazing. Afterwards we went to snorkel and saw so many things, lobsters, puffer-fish, corrals, doctor-fishes and so much more. In the evening we went back to the boat to do anchor watches or galley.

Schnorcheln vor Sandy Beach / Carriacou

Schnorcheln vor Sandy Beach / Carriacou © Peggy
Beitragsbild: Beautifull Dream View Sandy Island © Filippa

Mit Hängematte unter Palmen

Victor, Elisa und Hanna auf Sandy Beach / Carriacou © Peggy

Eine Hängematte voller Kokosnüsse auf Sandy Island

Eine Hängematte voller Kokosnüsse auf Sandy Island © Peggy

Die Gulden Leeuw am Abend vor Carriacou

Die Gulden Leeuw am Abend vor Carriacou © Peggy

The next day group B had a day off and today we sailed from that island to Grenada where we will spend two weeks from now on.
Tom (son of Captain Robert) & Clara

Dear greetings from everyone to everyone!